

How to prepare a fluffy American pancakes?

Do you like pancakes? Have you ever American pancakes? They are a little thicker and fluffier than usual. I personally love them and will share a very nice recipe for them. You will definitely like it.

Here it is:

Necessary products:

135 g plain flour1/2 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon baking soda2 tbsp powdered milk1 sigar130 ml large or 2 small eggs, very lightly beaten2 tablespoons melted butter, plus some olive oil for cooking


Step 1: take two large glasses. Put baking soda, flour, salt and powdered sugar in one of them. Mix the milk and the eggs in another bowl, stir gently and add the melted butter. Given that oil is to cool down a bit before you add it to the eggs and milk.

Step 2: the milk mixture is mixed with the flour, one and beat with a fork until you have a smooth batter. There should be lumps in the bowl, so do your best to beat the mixture well. Leave the dough for ten minutes to rest a bit.

Step 3: pick up some kitchen paper and soak it with olive oil. Place a non-stick frying pan on the stove and warm it over medium heat. Rub the pan with a piece of kitchen paper, being careful not to burn yourself and add a ladle of batter. The batter may appear to be too fat, but that's how it should be. Cook crepe until its upper part starts bubbling and turn it over. Bake until golden brown on both sides. Each pancake must grow to about 1 cm thick. Repeat the procedure until you are out of the dough.

Step 4: Eating pancakes while they are still warm, topped with maple syrup and some extra oil. If you want, you can eat them with strawberries or other type of jam.

This is a great recipe, but given that the pancakes will taste good if you cook them in a dirty kitchen or pan. They will absorb odors from the room and it will be terrible. Fantastic oven cleaning we recommend to clean your kitchen on a regular basis, if you want your food to look professional and be delicious.

Try this recipe and see how delicious is happy cooking!

John Atkinson PhotoJohn Atkinson was part of fantastic cleaning London. His mission is to make people's lives easier. It provides information on all types of cleaning problems and methods for cleaning. Check out my other articles for cleaning and home improvement.

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