

Yes to Health by Eating Healthy Organic Food By Wadner Tranchant

With the current lifestyle we have these days, there is no question why more and more people are looking for ways to keep fit and healthy despite all the stress, irregular meals and unhealthy fast food chains luring them to keep up with the fast-paced life. But with the flourishing number of organic food stores, there might be hope yet for all of us.

Organic Food: The what?s and the why?s

Organic foods are, principally, produced without the involvement of any modern man-made inputs such as chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. A natural organic food is not processed with the use of industrial solvents, chemical additives or irradiation. Most people believe that foods that are grown organically are much safer, tastes better and are more nutritious compared to those grown in a conventional manner. With such belief, the demand for this type of produce has increased despite being quite costly.

Taste Better?

There is a 2009 literature review that held most studies have shown that conventional food and natural organic food taste the same. There is no noteworthy difference on the taste between the two types of foods. However, there are some well-designed researches regarding vegetables and fruits that show a more favourable vote on organic produce. It has been found out that an organic fruit is much drier than that grown conventionally. With such, the flavouring substance is much concentrated, thus giving it a more intense taste.

Step up and be Healthy!

Changing your eating habits may be time-consuming and tricky at first. You need to chuck out that junk food habit and lift up the nutritional knowledge. Take time to read labels and identifying organic foods. The most crucial part is to get those taste buds on your side! Give them some time to take pleasure in the natural tastes because loving natural organic food is the secret to eating healthy.

? Keep your refrigerator and kitchen pantry healthy. Stash organic and healthy foods instead of your usual junk, instant foods and microwave dinners. Help yourself to eat unprocessed foods and fresh foods such as organic raw veggies and fruits. Check the labels if they contain the USDA certification.

? It would be better if you cook your meals so you will know what you are eating. You don?t need to prepare exotic recipes (but if you can, why not?).

? Plan your meals in advance. Writing them down on a piece of paper helps you stick to your organic diet. There are several healthy recipes available on the internet, try checking them out to have variety.

? If you have time, why not grow your own organic farm? All you need to remember is to keep everything natural - no synthetics. You eat what you grow. More natural,much healthier! But if you do not have the time and place, check the organic food stores near your place. Eating organic is beneficial for everyone.

? It helps keep you healthy.

? It helps keep the farmers healthy since they won?t be exposed to pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

? It helps keep the animals healthy. No more exposure to chemical vitamins, antibiotics and growth hormones.

? It keeps our environment healthy. So say yes to health! Start eating healthy organic food.

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Many People Do Not Comprehend The Necessity Of Proper Nutrition By Sheree Sonne

As you continue to read you'll be pleased to realize that we will be speaking about the importance of nutrition whether individuals are dieting or not.

Carbohydrates are generally one of the first things which dieter's will wind up eliminating from their daily routine. These men and women don't recognize that carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for an individual's body. Many men and women end up becoming very tired and lethargic by not consuming carbohydrates, but these carbohydrates can reverse this. Obviously this is something which will have to be limited, mainly because if you eat way too much carbohydrates it'll be stored inside your body as fat. Obviously in relation to eating carbohydrate you want to try and do this in the healthiest way possible, through fruits and vegetables.

Protein is yet another one of those items that you are going to have to consume each day in order to maintain a healthy body. Something about protein is that it can be quite important to be able to help you maintain your muscle mass, and it can also help in repairing tissues. Protein is additionally used to be able to help individuals create hormones that are going to end up being vital to your state of health. As many of you are aware there a lot of various kinds of meats that a particular person can consume and the majority of these are packed with protein. There are a number of vegetables that contain a good deal of protein but you are going to also see that nuts and peanut butter will be a good choice as well.

One more thing a lot of individuals try and eliminate from their diet are fats, but fats are an essential part of a healthy and nutritious diet. In relation to these different fats you are going to find that they are split into two categories, unsaturated fats and saturated fats. The fats which are not good for your body and can actually lead to different types of health problems are the fats generally known as saturated fats. The unsaturated fats that you can find in foods are actually a healthy option.

Getting enough vitamins and minerals is another thing that you're going to need, and this is primarily because all of the organs inside your body need these to function properly. Veggies and fruits will be able to offer you almost all the minerals and vitamins your body requires every single day. You are going to see that just about every vitamin and mineral you are going to require for your body is going to be found in various fruits and vegetables. With regards to the actual amount of fruits and veggies you should be eating every day, you need to understand that it's no longer three servings a day but five.

By making certain you're eating the correct kinds of foods you are going to see that you'll be able to have a much healthier body.

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How Food Handlers Can Reduce The Risk of Norovirus Infection By Paul Grantham

What is norovirus?
Known in lay terms as the winter vomiting bug, norovirus can cause dangerous infections of the stomach and bowel and is, in fact, one of the most common causes of gastroenteritis in the UK. The resulting symptoms are highly unpleasant, since they include diarrhoea, vomiting and fever and, in certain circumstances, this can lead to severe dehydration.

How does norovirus spread?
Norovirus is highly infectious, and the risks of contracting an illness from it can be serious, which is why maintaining good hygiene at all times is essential. The virus can spread from an infected person to somebody else. It can also spread by eating or drinking contaminated products (including food contaminated at its source, such as oysters taken from contaminated water), or when a person or a food comes into contact with an object or surface that has been contaminated. A huge problem with norovirus is that it is able to survive in a contaminated spot for a number of days, which is why those handling food should always ensure excellent hygiene and safety at all times, both in the kitchen and outside of it.

How can food handlers improve food hygiene and safety to reduce the risk of norovirus transmission?
Hand washing should form an innate part of a food handler's behaviour. It is important to prevent the transmission of all viruses and bacteria, not just norovirus. To get rid of as many pathogens as possible, hands should be washed thoroughly with hot water and soap before and after any food is prepared or handled. The same is also necessary in other circumstances, especially after going to the toilet. The reason for this is because if any trace of vomit or faeces from someone who is infected gets onto the food, there is a risk that another person who handles or eats the food will be infected. It is important to note that hand sanitizers cannot be used as a sufficient substitution for hand washing when it comes to norovirus because some are effective against this particular virus while others have no effect at all.

Another extremely important point for food handlers to recognise is that they should not return to work until they have fully recovered which will be three days after symptoms have subsided. This is because someone infected with norovirus is not only highly contagious during the time they display symptoms, but also for a number of days afterwards when norovirus particles continue to be shed. Therefore, a food handler must not be involved in any food preparation, cooking or serving areas, and must not be allowed on site if ill, otherwise an outbreak of norovirus infection could occur.

In the unfortunate event of an employee becoming ill on site, care must be taken to make sure that any clothing or materials soiled by vomit or faeces is machine washed straight away and then dried. Any sinks or bathrooms in which someone has been ill must also be thoroughly cleaned to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Disinfecting surfaces is also a must, as is ensuring that utensils and kitchen equipment are kept clean. Furthermore, food handlers should ideally not have bare hand contact with any food ready to be eaten, and should preferably wear single-use gloves. Extremely good hand washing procedures must be in place if such direct contact is allowed, given that only a small number of norovirus cells are needed to cause infection in a person.

Finally, it must be remembered that these food hygiene procedures must be carried out in addition to those already in place. Norovirus outbreaks are unfortunately all too common and can occur even when the most stringent hygiene and safety levels are enforced. However, the majority of outbreaks are avoidable and food handlers have a particularly important role in helping to minimise the risk to others of becoming contaminated with this virus. Norovirus not only brings significant problems of disease but can result in becoming an economic burden. Food handlers should be strict about the way in which they carry out tasks in the workplace, always ensuring the highest level of hygiene and safety.

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